The Company aims to develop the technology and the production of sulfur concrete named SulRock which is a versatile mineral binder with very good mechanical properties and high resistance to temperature, chemicals and hydraulic agents. The finished product contains a binder – sulfur, aggregate and plasticizers.
The most important feature of the final material are mechanical properties such as high resistance to pressure, tensile, bending, abrasive wear, and minimal impact from temperature variations (atmospheric). A very advantageous feature of Sulrock is its chemical stability – the material does not change nor degradate under the influence of aggressive chemicals: acids, oils and oil derivatives, salts and their solutions. Also, the passage of time is negligible effect on fatigue and aging of the material. For a time after pouring the material improvement in the mechanical properties of Sulrock can be seen.
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Properties of our material
Comparison of mechanical properties of Portland cement concrete and SulRock.
Compressive strength – 0 – 80 MPa
Bending strength – 4,5 – 11,5 MPa
Tensile strength – 5,3 – 7,9 MPa
Density – 2,3 – 2,5 Mg/m3
Thermal expansion coefficient – 13 – 15 x10-6/ oC
Maximum absorption – 0,10 %
Young modulus of elasticity – 21 – 42 x 103 MPa
Thermal conductivity of sulfur concrete – 0,37 W/mK
Thermal conductivity of sulfur foam – 0,013 – 0,019 W/mK